1 W. Main St. | Newcastle, WY 82701

Weston County Treasurer

Susan (Susie) Overman
County Treasurer
[email protected]
Property Tax
Property Tax Due & Delinquent Dates
Due Date
Property taxes in Wyoming are billed and due on September 1st of each year. Taxes may be paid in halves or in full. The interest rate charged on all delinquent taxes is 18% annually.
If Paid in Halves
The first half of the taxes become delinquent on November 11th. The second half of the taxes becomes delinquent on May 11th of the subsequent year.
If Paid in Full
The entire tax amount must be paid by December 31st.
The current years taxes are bill around September 1st of the current year. The first half of the taxes must be postmarked by November 10th of the current year and the second half must be postmarked by May 10th of the subsequent year. However, if the entire tax is paid by December 31st of the current year all the interest on the first half is waived.
Veterans Exemptions
Contact the Weston County Assessor to see if you qualify for Veteran Exemption for property taxes.
Tax Sale
Any land or property in which taxes have not been paid will be sold at the Tax Sale; scheduled for the last Monday of August each year.
The Weston County Treasurer uses a “bingo” system for the sale. Before the sale starts, each participant will choose a bingo number and place it in the cage. When your number comes up you can pick only one property tax to buy. Once all numbers have been drawn in the first round, any participant who would like to purchase more than one property tax can place their ball back in the cage. This continues until all taxes are sold.
Payments can be made with cash, check, money order or credit card. There will be a 2.5% processing fee for credit card transactions. American Express is not accepted.
Mobile Homes
When transferring ownership and/or moving a mobile home it is required to have the property taxes paid in full through the current year. A Transportable Mobile Home Move Sheet must be obtained with the original title from the County Treasurer.
Tony Barton
Chairman of the Weston County Commission
Past County Elected Officials
Lists of former county elected officials are now available online! These date back to 1915!